Sunday, June 8, 2008

First Real Roses Of The Season!

Finally! This spring has been eternal it seems. My existing roses have started to open! Yesterday morning I went outside between heavy downpours to find John Cabot had won the race to bloom first.
Not far behind John Cabot was Morden Centennial. This rose has twice as many blooms this year as it had last year. It also seem a lot lighter in color. Usually I find both John Cabot and this rose are similar in hue; not this year... they are light and dark contrasts for sure. I also noticed Morden has more of a scent than I remember. I love roses, they always surprise me. It must have something to do with the temperatures.
Later in the day Mr. Lincoln put his sepals down, as well as an unknown white-ish rose I have.
I also have a few new roses blooming, but I'll share those in another post soon.
Have a great day gardening.

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