On of the first lilies I ever planted was this "Crimson Pixie." I found it at Home Depot when we first bought our home 6 years ago. It blooms vigorously, and has spread reliably. I now have a dozen bulbs growing throughout the front garden bed. The color is a firey, orangy-red.
This spring I added "Conca d' Or" to the garden. I had on a wishlist for sometime, and found the plant available at my favorite shop, The Flower Factory, early this spring. Imagine my delight when I also saw some of these beauties on clearance at Walmart for $1.60 a plant! I wish I would have bought more! Arguably, this is the most scented lily I have ever grown! I put it in the front bed, about 12 feet from the front door, when more than half the blooms were already faded and done (it was on clearance) and the scent permeated the whole front walkway for days. I can't wait for next year!
I love this "Algarve" for it's pure pink long-lasting blooms.
I made the amatuer mistake of buying a pack of "Mona Lisa" bulbs and planting them individually in various spots throughout the back bed 2 springs ago. After they are done blooming this year I plan on putting them all in one spot together, creating the looks one large plant by next year.
"Bernini" has unique ruffle-edged petals. The bulbs have been slower to come along than other have planted, but the medium pink coloring is great, and I think it will looks great planted beside the yellow and white Conca d' Or. I can't wait to see more in the years to come.
This gorgeous and pretty fragrant "Alessia" was a steal at Walmart for $4 this season. I planted it in front of a juniper, so in years to come I expect the white and yellow blooms to glow in front of the blue green juniper backdrop.
"Golden Splendor" is the creamiest, buttery yellow!
And I love the red stripes on the reverse. Yum!
An unknown lily, sold as "Pink Heaven," skirts the back entrance to the garden, and smells awesome. Wish I could identify it! the quest continues.
"Royal Sunset" was a clearance find at Home Depot last year. I'm not regretting the purchase one bit... the colors are fantastic!
Hope you enjoyed my pictures of lilies!
Happy Gardening!